Find Out The Jennifer Lopez Diet And Its Benefits

Jennifer Lopez is as much of a celebrated singer as she is an actor. But, more than anything, her fans love and adore the perfectly toned body that she adorns. The actress, during an interactive session came up with a challenge for her fans. She claimed that her 10 days challenge could not only reset your bodies, but also help to catalyze your weight loss.

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Jennifer Lopez is as much of a celebrated singer as she is an actor. But, more than anything, her fans love and adore the perfectly toned body that she adores.

The actress, during an interactive session, came up with a challenge for her fans. She claimed that her 10 days challenge could not only reset your bodies but also help to catalyze your weight loss.

Her “10 days No Carbs, No sugar challenge” became popular as the “Jlo challenge” and went afloat across the internet.

What is the JLo diet?

Jennifer Lopez took to Instagram and challenged her 85 million followers along with some of her close friends to follow her latest diet plan.

The Jennifer Lopez diet plan is primarily about cutting out the starch and sugar from your diet, for 10 days.

Well, you must be wondering, as to what one would eat, if not carbs and sugar. Let’s have a closer look.

What has to be avoided?

  • Avoid all those vegetables containing starch, like potatoes, corn, etc.
  • Avoid dairy products. Which means no milk, no cheese for 10 days.
  • You are not allowed to have fruits (since they contain sugar) and no grains. That automatically cancels pasta and rice from your diet.
  • No sweeteners are allowed, be it the synthetic ones or the natural ones.
  • Avoid beverages like alcohol and soda, ketchup, cakes, and of course candies (if you’re fond of them).

What can you eat?

  • You’re allowed to have green vegetables that do not contain starch, like broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, etc.
  • Spices are allowed in this diet, along with some seasonings.
  • You are allowed to have meat, eggs, seafood.
  • You can have fruits like Avocados.
  • You’re even allowed to have some nuts like almonds, cashews, etc.

Benefits of the JLO diet

Sugar consumption when done excessively, often leads to heart diseases and obesity. Talking about bread and pasta, our body eventually breaks them into glucose.

Therefore, cutting down on our sugar and carbs intake could help the body to reset its metabolism and of course, aid weight loss. It reduces our cravings and gives us an increased energy level.

Drawbacks of the JLO diet

The diet widely speaks of dropping carbohydrates from your diet.

Dropping carbohydrates would lead to dropping fibres. Most of us already are deficient of fibres, and cutting them down does not seem to be a good idea.

Also, it would eventually make us deficient of some vitamins and minerals that are our body’s necessity.

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