5 DIY Ideas To Make Halloween Costume At Home

Halloween is at the door, and your kidos must be wanting some new costume to get a spooky look. Do you want to know easy halloween custom ideas? We will help you to get the dress without even spending a penny.

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5 Tips To Make Halloween Costume At Home

Halloween is at the door, and your kidos must be wanting some new costume to get a spooky look. Do you want to know easy halloween custom ideas?  We will help you to get the dress without even spending a penny. And your little menaces will truly like these dresses as well as appreciate your creative skill.

A Ghost Look With White Or Black Scarf -Scarfs look great around the neck, and it can also be used for Halloween dress. White and black scarf are common items in the wardrobe. Find one or if you don’t have, you can easily dye an old scarf in a single colour, black, red, blue, anyone. Make two big eyes on it, cutting it at two points. It should be like your child is able to see through those two eyes. This is a perfect scary halloween costumes for kids girls.

Put the scarf over his head, and the eyes cut right in front of their eyes. If you want, you can put some bloodstain on the scarf to give it a more scary look. Use ketchup for the same.

Spooky Look With Cardboard box – Draw a witch, ghost or vampire on the cardboard. You can also take a printout of the same and stick it on the board. Cut it through shape and hang in the neck. To make it scarier, attach bats, spiders images on the board or pin it so that it hangs. You can’t have such scary halloween costumes for kids-girls even when you go to buy it.

Try Face Painting – It is not always the dress that gives a spooky look. The makeup is also important. Why not give face painting a try this time. Learn face scary halloween makeup ideas at YouTube and then complement the look with the right dress. It works great.

Try Bat Look With Scarf – If your kid has a black dress and you have a long black scarf. Bingo! You are all ready to give a bat look to your kid. Tie the scarf in the next and complete the look with the black dress. A witch cap will complement the look for sure, and your cute halloween costumes is ready to reward you.

Get Zombie Look With Tshirt and Skirt – If you have a long white Tshirt, it is enough to give a zombie look. Make your kids wear the Tshirt. You can stick some images of spooky characters on the dress to complete the look. Good face painting will be an added advantage.

These are some homemade Halloween costumes for kids and adults. Try it this Halloween to have fun.

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