Heart attack symptoms: What Are The Warning Signs Of Heart Attack?

Some heart attacks are sudden, people don’t even get clueless of what is happening to them. However, most heart attacks are slow that cause mild pain and discomfort.

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Studies say that more people die of heart attack than any other diseases globally. And people dying because of the heart attack have a bigger percentage. Out of which, most deaths are because people who get heart attack don’t understand what is happening to them.

Before they ask for help, they succumb to death. So, here we are sharing the early symptoms of heart attack, if you know about this, you could not only be able to avert heart attack but also can help yourself.

Symptoms Of Heart Attack

Some heart attacks are sudden, people don’t even get clueless of what is happening to them. However, most heart attacks are slow that cause mild pain and discomfort. People who get the second type of attack often remain unsure of what is happening to them and wait too long to share what is happening to them. This is called a slow heart attack. The clear symptoms of heart attack are

Pain/discomfort In Chest: Most of the heart attack starts from the centre of the chest. People complain of feeling pain at the centre that lasts for a few minutes. This pain comes and go in a cycle. The feeling is like fullness in chest, pain, squeezing, uncomfortable pressure.

Pain/Discomfort In Upper Body Parts: The pain then grows in the upper part of the body. People usually feel pain and discomfort in arms, neck, back, stomach and jaw.

Breathlessness: After some time, the person begins to feel shortness of breath accompanied by pain in the chest. Pain is chest is subjective.

The other signs are cold sweat lightheadedness and nausea.

The early signs of a heart attack in men and women are different. Women usually feel pain in the chest, the other symptoms are more prevalent in men.

How To Prevent Heart Attack

It is not impossible to prevent heart attack, with some precautions, measurements, change in lifestyle, it can be easily averted. Some of the ways to prevent attack are

  • Keep the blood pressure in control
  • Eat a healthy and balanced diet
  • Keep your cholesterol level under control
  • Keep your triglyceride level under control
  • Limit alcohol consumption
  • Include fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet
  • Don’t smoke
  • Manage stress
  • Include any kind of physical activity in your daily routine

First Aid For Heart Attack

  • Call for medical help
  • If it is at a distance, give the person medication he/she takes regularly.
  • If he/she doesn’t take medicines, give them an aspirin. It is said aspirin control heart attack. However, it shouldn’t be consumed if the person is allergic to it. You can take advice from the doctor before giving that if everything is fine.
  • Give the person nitroglycerin is prescribed by the doctor.
  • If the person becomes unconscious, give him CPR

Heart attack gives warning symptoms a week or days before the actual attack. The early warning signs are discomfort in chest, shoulders, arms, unusual weakness. People who take doctor’s consultation during this period they save themselves from attack.

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