Heart-Healthy Foods: The Best Foods To Keep Heart Healthy and Avert Heart Attack

If the bad eating habit is one of the main causes of heart diseases, good food is one of the main causes of its prevention. Have a look, what role does food play in controlling the early signs of the heart attack.

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Do you know food plays an important role in averting the heart attack? If not, have a look at how it works and the heart healthy food list.

If the bad eating habit is one of the main causes of heart diseases. Good food is one of the main causes of its prevention. Have a look, what role does food play in controlling the early signs of a heart attack.

Green leafy Vegetable: Green leafy vegetable like spinach, kale, collard green contains ample amount of nutrients, antioxidants and vitamins and minerals. These veggies are also a good source of Vit K that ensures good health of arteries and reduces the risk of clotting.

Whole Grain: Whole grain means a grain comprises of endosperm, germ and bran. When a grain used in any form, have all three of its components it is called as whole grain. E.g. are whole grain Atta, rice, rye, barley, quinoa. Many studies have found that eating whole grain keeps the heart-healthy.

Berries: Berries like strawberries, raspberries, blueberries are an important source of nutrients that play a key role in keeping the heart-healthy. Berries are a rich source of antioxidants that protect the heart against the oxidative inflammation and stress.

Antioxidants in blueberries are good for the health of blood vessels in the heart. It helps in controlling the blood pressure and avert clotting.

Avocados: This fruit contains a good amount of monounsaturated fat, which is directly linked with the reduced level of cholesterol and lower down the risk of heart diseases. It is effective in reducing the bad cholesterol level i.e. LDL. It is also a rich source of potassium which is beneficial for heart health.

Fatty Fish: Fish is again very good for heart health, especially the fatty fish such as mackerel, tuna, salmon, sadines because it contains ample amount of omega-3 fatty acid. However, everyone is not a fish lover, so for those fish oil supplements is a great option to keep the heart-healthy. A heart-healthy meal should always be comprised of fish or fish oil

Walnuts: Like me, if you are also a fan of dry fruits, then add walnut in your diet. It is also a great source of nutrients for the heart. It effectively reduces the bad cholesterol level in the blood and also decreases stress and inflammation.

Beans: Beans contains a good amount of starch that instead of getting digested in the intestine get into the get started fermenting by beneficial bacterias present in the gut. The process releases many nutrients and antioxidants that decrease the level of triglycerides in the blood.

So, these are some of the heart healthy food that you can include in your diet and reap its health benefits. No need to take 

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