Know The Constipation Symptoms, Causes and Its Treatment

It is important to treat constipation on time because its impact doesn’t restrain to the . It is important to treat constipation on time because its impact doesn’t restrain to the stomach itself. It is mirrored in the mental and physical condition of people as well. It significantly impacts the quality of life.

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The stomach is the place where the body absorbs all the nutrients from the food eaten. After absorbing nutrients, the stomach supplies the same to different parts of the body to ensure its smooth work.

Thus, if there will be any disorder in the stomach the chaos will be seen in different parts of the body. Know everything about constipation here from the cause of constipation, its symptoms and available treatment. 

Constipation – According to Rome criteria, chronic Constipation contributes up to 2-27 Percent of the world population and percentage vary region wise.

It is important to treat constipation on time because its impact doesn’t restrain to the stomach itself. It is mirrored in the mental and physical condition of people as well. It significantly impacts the quality of life. 

When You Should Believe You Are Constipated 

A person is said to be constipated when he has less than 3 bowel movements in a week. However, if patients stand on the same to be considered than not able to pass the poop comfortably is constipation, and it is subjective.

If you are poop cycle has disturbed, you are feeling uneasy, then the possibility is high that you are constipated and you should consult your doctor as early as possible.

The reason for the occurrence of constipation is many ranging from other stomach disorder, less intake of water to stress, less fibrous diet, etc. Some of the common reasons for constipation are low fibre diet, certain medications, lack of physical activity, Irritable bowel syndrome, routine change, ageing, excessive use of laxative, delaying bowel movement the urge, blood cholesterol increase, blockage in the intestine, hormonal imbalance, neurological conditions and cancer treatment.

Common Symptoms Of Constipation?

According to Rome criteria, if a person doesn’t have a bowel movement for more than 3 days in a week and the condition prevails for six months, then it means the person is constipated. Common symptoms of the constipated stomach include:

  • Unusual bowel movement
  • An individual has to strain for passing stool
  • Less than 3 bowel movement in a week
  • Hard, lumpy and dry stool
  • Cramps in the stomach while passing stool
  • Nausea
  • Loss of appetite

Damages The Constipation Causes If Left Untreated

  • Constipation is one of the main reasons for haemorrhoids 
  • Mouth ulcer
  • Low energy 
  • Depression 
  • Reduced quality of life

What Are The Treatments Of Constipation? 

Most cases of mild and chronic constipation are not reported because people prefer over the counter medicine to treat it. People in the U.S alone spend approx $million 800 on laxatives. 

And the good part is that people find relief in constipation taking laxatives. However, in the chronic condition, it is advised that the person should consult the health practitioner for constipation treatment.   

The other treatment for the same is making changes in lifestyle. Many have reported that they feel relieved after introducing physical exercise, more water and fibre-rich diet in their daily routine. Some laxative rich foodstuff is also there that relieves in constipation.

Alternative Therapy – Alternative therapies like colon hydrotherapy, acupressure, mud therapy is also effective in treating this condition. 

Disclaimer – If you are witnessing any of the above-mentioned symptoms consult your doctor before trying any natural treatment or medication.

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