Thanksgiving Day- The USA and Canadian Way Of Celebration

Thanksgiving Day is the most awaited day all over, especially in the countries such as USA and Canada. It is celebrated in both countries with joy and fervour that has engulfed other countries as well. Now, Thanksgiving Day is not a country specific celebration. Checkout the entire description of this special day, what to do on thanksgiving day, its tradition, here.

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Thanksgiving Day is the most awaited day all over, especially in countries such as USA and Canada. It is celebrated in both countries with joy and fervour that has engulfed other countries as well. Now, Thanksgiving Day is not a country-specific celebration. Checkout the entire description of this special day, what to do on thanksgiving day, its tradition, here.

Check out the Thanksgiving Day Traditions: Thanksgiving Day starts with giving thanks to each other for the successful year. Traditionally, on this day people prepare a delicious meal and share with friends and family. Pumpkin pie is their traditional dessert which is also prepared in every household and served. However, while preparing the entire meal, people keep themselves low-key. They also commence a small vacation on the weekend of Thanksgiving Day. Actually, the festival is celebrated for three days. People visit their family or friends who live far away and whom they were unable to meet for a long time due to a busy schedule. This festival is so special that sometimes they take an off from their workplaces and prefer spending quality time in different places.

How Thanksgiving Day in Canada Spent? In Canada, Thanksgiving has its own importance. There has been a holiday on the second Monday of October since 1957 to celebrate Thanksgiving Day in Canada. This is a special festival in which people thanks for a good harvest and for good future. Nearly after 70 years, the parliament of Canada introduced this festival to the Canadian calendar. Going back to history, the first Thanksgiving holiday took place in Canada in the year 1872 to celebrate the recovery of the Prince of Wales after a severe sickness. Thereafter from 1879, the day is celebrated every year. People start their day by wishing each other from the morning time. Special meals are cooked and served; people sit together, chat and enjoy drinks.

How Thanksgiving Day in The USA Spent? In the USA, Thanksgiving Day is a special day for people to thanks for what they have. To enjoy this special day, people conduct a meal with friends and family. This meal is different from the meals eaten on regular days as it consists of a roast turkey, stuffing potatoes, vegetables, cranberry sauce, gravy, and pumpkin pie. The day is celebrated on such a huge scale that it is declared as a federal holiday. On the fourth Thursday of November in the USA, Thanksgiving Day is celebrated. This day is important because it marks the beginning of the holiday season. It also marks the harvest festival since 1621.

If you are wondering that Thanksgiving Day and happy turkey day are connected, then here is the explanation. Roasted Turkey is the featured item served on Thanksgiving Day and the celebration is almost incomplete without it. This is the reason Thanksgiving Day sometimes referred to as Happy Turkey Day.

The History Behind Thanksgiving Day: An English explorer named Martin Forbisher came to Canada while making a search for the northern passage to orient. In 1578, Forbisher came to Canada where he conducted formal ceremony where he thanked because he had survived in a long journey, as his ship had been lost on the way.

Festival is linked with the harvest of the country. They wish that the year remains filled with seasonal fruits and vegetables. Bounty and plenty symbolize cornucopia which means “Horn of Plenty” in Latin. Thanksgiving Day also symbolized by turkeys, pumpkins, display of food etc.

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