Seven Ways To Avoid Daytime Sleepiness At Work

Daytime sleepiness is a neurological disorder in which a person feels a lack of energy and persistent sleepiness during daytime, even after having a perfect nighttime sleep.

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Do you start feeling heavy-eyed as soon as you open your computer, you are unable to concentrate, even after drinking several cups of coffee, you can’t get rid of your sleepiness. Well, you are not the only one who face this issue. Like you, there are many. And this article is for you. Learn here how to stop feeling sleepy immediately or how to stop feeling sleepy at work. 


Please understand, the problem you are facing is not the usual one. It is a neurological disorder in which a person feels a lack of energy and persistent sleepiness during daytime, even after having a perfect nighttime sleep. This disorder is known as daytime drowsiness or sleepiness. 


Tips To Manage Daytime Sleepiness At Work


1. Exercise: This can be the best option for you to avoid sleepiness as there are multiple benefits of doing exercises. In aerobics exercise, the body releases the endorphin hormone which creates a reaction in the brain. This helps people to stay awake. If you don’t have the habit, develop it. Start your day with a workout of your choice.


2. Bedtime ritual: It is like a relaxing time before sleep. Reading a book or listening to music before sleep can help you get quality sleep at night and it will automatically avoid drowsiness. I do this every time before sleep and believe me it helps.


3. Short Walks: If you work in an office and feel drowsy, then instead of eating chocolate or consuming coffee that will give you unwanted calories, go for a short walk. This will make you feel more active because walking pumps oxygen through your veins, brain and muscles. This can increase your energy for a minimum of two hours.


4. Relax your eyes: If you are working on a computer for hours then you should relax your eyes by doing a short exercise which is to cup your hands over the socket of your eyes to create gentle pressure and keep your eyes closed. This can help you a lot while you feel sleepy.


5. Drink water: Dehydration results in fatigue and low energy. That’s why you should boost your water intake to avoid tiredness.


6. Improve your sleep cycle: This is the most important thing to do in the whole process because if you’ll not get proper and regular sleep you will automatically feel sleepy during work. A good sleep habit that is taking a minimum of 6 hours of undisturbed sleep is good for health.


7. Take a nap during work if possible: Taking a nap during work will be very beneficial to you but unfortunately, it is not allowed most of the time. In that case, you can go for a power nap, which doesn’t last more than 10 to 20 minutes. You will feel refreshed by doing this. You can do this by sitting on your chair with your eyes closed. Background music will be a cherry on the top. 


These tips will surely help you avoiding daytime sleepiness. But if your condition is worse and not getting rid of it, then you should consult a doctor. 


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